August 5, 2020
Covenant PCA Church
1. No Activities/Events except Sunday Morning Worship and Wednesday Night Prayer/Bible Study.
2. Prayer/Bible Study begins on June 3rd in Sanctuary at 6 pm.
3. Begin Worship June 7 at 10:25 a.m. (No need to get here too early.)
a. If you are not feeling well or have symptoms of illness, please stay home.
b. We encourage you to wear masks as you enter our buildings. This shows concern for others. We have some masks on a table in the Lobby.
c. “A Greeter” is stationed outside to welcome people and hand out bulletins. He or she will have gloves on.
d. People are instructed not to congregate in the Lobby, but go straight to their seats.
e. Pews are marked so people spread out. (Every other pew is roped off and signs indicate maximum number of people per pew.)
f. Water fountain is disabled, but small water bottles are provided on table in the Lobby. No refreshments are provided.
g. All doors are open inside and outside. When worship services begin, the outer doors will be closed. Greeter will wait a little while for later-comers and open door with gloves on. All outer doors are open when we sing our last hymn.
h. All hymnals, Bibles, etc, are taken out of the pews. Words of songs on screen.
i. Elder who prays will pray from separate microphone. No one leads songs.
j. Pastor Tom will remain up front after the service for those wishing prayer/counsel.
k. There will be no nursery, but the cry room is available for parents and children. However, social distancing still needs to be practiced. No more than 6 people allowed.
l. Officers are in Lobby and Sanctuary to answer your questions.
m. Offering Plates will be on table in the Lobby.
n. If people want to visit, please do so outside in the parking lot.
o. Communion will resume on June 28, but with “packets” given to people before the service. More instructions will follow.
Note: Each individual should make their own decision based on the CDC guidelines. A copy of applicable CDC guidelines are available upon request from the church office.